Spiritual Hotspots in New York City + Buddhist Hospice Work
I’ve lived in NYC on and off over the past 16 years, and during that time the city and I have both changed a lot. In the 2000s you couldn’t pay me to go into a spiritually oriented “woo woo” shop or event. I was too focused on “#crushingit” to care about the spiritual side of myself and the world. After selling my company, and killing my ego, I’ve found so many wonderful places in New York that feed my soul. I thought I’d share this short list with those of you who live here, or are visiting. You might find visiting these places will provide a new ‘high vibe’ lens through which to see the big apple.

Golden Drum: A center for sacred traditions, with a heavy emphasis on Kundalini Yoga, indigenous healing ceremonies, and musical performances.

Maha Rose: With an expansive crystal shop up front, and spacious workshop areas in the back, Maha Rose delivers something for every seeker. Why not try the Tantric Date Night, or a weekend retreat upstate?

Goldish: If your wallet is bursting with money-energy this is your spot for high-end spiritual goods that are handcrafted by a mother/daughter team and their collaborators. Located in Tribeca — it’s got that Tribeca vibe at Tribeca prices.

Namaste Bookshop: This place may contain the largest collection of spiritual books and accessories in the city. It’s really got it all. Don’t miss their sister location just two doors down that has larger format statues and other items for your alter/home decor needs.

Jivamukti Yoga Center: JYC has been leading the Yoga tide in NYC for over 30 years and has had a laundry list of celebrity teachers and students pass through its doors. Personally, I’m a fan of Modo Yoga in Williamsburg, but I go to JYC for their awesome veggie/vegan cafe.

5 Rhythms: My soul sister Rena of Alcalme (a wellness concierge) turned me on to the power of ecstatic dance — and 5Rhythms is the grand-daddy/mama of them all. If you like dancing your face-off in a sweat puddle of 150 people, this is the place to do it any given Tuesday night (there are other nights with different vibes).

Bead Center & Feather Place: I found both these places when I was on the hunt for materials to build costumes for Burning Man. They’ve got EVERYTHING you need to make something truly special. Since this is in the garment district, you can find all the associated fabrics and trim you need to make a boring little jacket into a magical cape or kimono for whatever ceremony you’ll be joining or leading.

The Kabbalah Centre: I’ve been meaning to drop in to this place for over a year. If you’re so inclined, they have classes regularly and the groups that join look like what you’d expect in Williamsburg — young and hip.

Buddhist Temples & Centers: I’m a twenty year practicing buddhist so I tend to gravitate to buddhist temples rather than mosques, churches or otherwise (sorry mom — I was raised Catholic). My first recommendation is to visit and practice at the Fire Lotus Temple in Downtown Brooklyn and its associated Zen Mountain Monastery upstate. The Temple has intro sessions on the weekends, and the Monastery has a full weekend retreat for Intro to Zen for a low low price of about $250 including room and board.

And finally, the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care is about to become a big part of my life as I embark on a 9 month training program with them to learn how to work with the dying in a hospice context and beyond. I’ll be learning from Chodo & Koshin Senseis through their Foundations in Contemplative Care course — which will enable me to serve the dying as an integrated member of a clinical practice at the Brooklyn Hospital Center.
Got some favorites I didn’t include? Please leave the in a comment!